

faculty of mechanical engineering and robotics


Maciej Wołoszyn

email: (please use your AGH email addresses to contact me via email)


room: D7/3.14

office hours: possible also online (please contact me by email to arrange a meeting in my office or on MS Teams)


Winter semester (Physics 1)
  1. All students are required to attend tutorial classes of their group (attendance will be noted). Please note that it is impossible to pass the subject if attendance is below 80%. If you are ill, please contact the tutor before start of the class or as soon as possible. You are expected to get the exercises from other students and practice at home.
  2. Exceptionally, you are allowed to attend the other class to make up for the missed classes, if the topic is the same. Please contact the tutor in advance if you wish to do so.
  3. Students are expected to participate in the classes, solve the problem in front of the blackboard, or at least attempt to.
  4. There will a test at the end of the semester, consisting of ca. 10 questions. If you missed some classes, there will be extra question from the missed class. To pass the test, score above 50% is required. Students with less than 50% of points will have the 2nd-chance (and the 3rd one as well, if needed) to pass the test.
  5. Organizational arrangements will be made through UniTime web application. Students are required to make sure they can receive such emails.
Final grade

The final grade for the winter semester will be equal to the classes grade (if 2nd/3rd chance tests were taken, their weight is 1.0, and the regular "1st chance" result's weight is 2.0).


Available at sylabusy.agh.edu.pl.

Textbooks and WWW links

The list is available here. I recommend the University Physics textbook at OpenStax (volume 1, volume 2, and volume 3), textbooks by Young and Freedman (in short Y&F), Serway (also great), Feynman (a little bit more advanced, but worth your effort!), videos with Walter Lewin's lectures: Classical Mechanics, Vibrations and Waves, Electricity and Magnetism from MIT OpenCourseWare, and HyperPhysics concept maps.


Objectives, key terms, additional materials etc.


Winter semester

Dr Petr Balek

ABC of mathematics for beginner physicists: Integrals [original files by Dr J Woźniak (in Polish)]


[only in the summer semester]

Final exams

The exam covers material from both Physics 1 and Physics 2.

[TBA - 2nd semester]

Sample exam questions

Formula Sheet which you are allowed to print and use during the tests and exams. No other written material or electronic devices (mobile phones, notebooks, calculators etc.) are allowed.

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Maciej Wołoszyn