Zespół Badawczy: Struktura elektronowa ciała stałego
Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej - (WFiIS)
Katedra Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej - (KFMS)
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie - (AGH)
Publikacje zespołu (2016-2020)
  1. Karolina Górnicka, Sylwia GUTOWSKA, Michał J. Winiarski, Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Weiwei Xie, R. J. Cava, Tomasz Klimczuk, "Superconductivity on a Bi Square Net in LiBi", Chemistry of Materials 2020, 32, 7, 3150-3159
  2. Shantanu Misra, Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Janusz TOBOŁA, Florian Fesquet, Anne Dauscher, Bertrand Lenoir, Christophe Candolfi, Band structure engineering in $Sn_{1.03}Te$ through an In-induced resonant level, Journal of Materials Chemistry. C ; ISSN 2050-7526. — 2020 vol. 8 iss. 3, s. 977–988.
  3. J. Cieślak, J. TOBOŁA, M. Reissner, The effect of \emph{bcc/fcc} phase preference on magnetic properties of $Al_{x}CrFeCoNi$ high entropy alloys, Intermetallics ; ISSN 0966-9795. — 2020 vol. 118 art. no. 106672, s. 1–9.

  4. [2019]
  5. Janina Molenda, Anna Plewa, Andrzej Kulka, Łukasz Kondracki, Katarzyna Walczak, Anna Milewska, Michał RYBSKI, Li Lu, Janusz TOBOŁA, The effect of $O3-P3-P'3$ phases coexistence in $Na_{x}Fe_{0.3}Co_{0.7}O_{2}$ cathode material on its electronic and electrochemical properties : experimental and theoretical studies, Intermetallics ; ISSN 0966-9795. — 2020 vol. 118 art. no. 106672, s. 1–9.
  6. D. Szymański, R. Zach, W. Chajec, R. Duraj, J. TOBOŁA, M. Guillot, S. Haj-Khlifa, D. Fruchart, Magnetization, high pressure, and magnetocaloric studies of $MnRu_{x}Rh_{1-x}As$ $(x = 0.05, 0.1)$: experimental and theoretical approaches, Journal of Alloys and Compounds ; ISSN 0925-8388. — 2019 vol. 776, s. 59-70.
  7. J. Cieślak, J. TOBOŁA, J. Przewoźnik, K. Berent, U. Dahlborg, J. Cornide, S. Mehraban, N. Lavery, M. Calvo-Dahlborg, Multi-phase nature of sintered vs. arc-melted $Cr_{x}AlFeCoNi$ high entropy alloys – experimental and theoretical study, Journal of Alloys and Compounds ; ISSN 0925-8388. — 2019 vol. 801, s. 511–519.
  8. K. JASIEWICZ, B. WIENDLOCHA, K. Górnicka, K. Gofryk, M. Gazda, T. Klimczuk, J. TOBOŁA, Pressure effects on the electronic structure and superconductivity of $(TaNb)_{0.67}(HfZrTi)_{0.33}$ high entropy alloy, Physical Review. B ; ISSN 2469-9950. — Tytuł poprz.: Physical Review B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics ; ISSN: 1098-0121. — 2019 vol. 100 iss. 18 art. no. 184503, s. 184503-1–184503-13.
  9. R. Chetty, J. TOBOŁA, P. Klimczyk, L. Jaworska, K.T. Wojciechowski,Structural, electronic and thermal properties of $Te_{x}Co_{4}Sb_{11.75}Te_{0.25}$ , Journal of Alloys and Compounds ; ISSN 0925-8388. — 2019 vol. 809 art. no. 151477, s. 1–8.
  10. Daniel Fruchart, Sonia Haj-Khlifa, Patricia de Rango, Mohamed Balli, Ryszard Zach, Wiesław Chajec, Piotr Fornal, Jan Stanek, Stanisław KAPRZYK, Janusz TOBOŁA,Structure and magnetic properties of bulk synthesized $Mn_{2−x}Fe_{x}P_{1−y}Si_{y}$ compounds from magnetization, $^{57}Fe$ Mössbauer spectroscopy, and electronic structure calculations , Crystals, ISSN 2073-4352. — 2019 vol. 9 iss. 1 art. no. 37, s. 1–27.
  11. Petr Levinsky, Christophe Candolfi, Anne Dauscher, Janusz TOBOŁA, Jiří Hejtmánek, Bertrand Lenoi,Thermoelectric properties of the tetrahedrite-tennantite solid solutions $Cu_{12}Sb_{4-x}As_{x}S_{13}$ and $Cu_{10}Co_{2}Sb_{4-y}As_{y}S_{13}$ (0 $≤$ x, y $≤$ 4), Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ; ISSN 1463-9076. — 2019 vol. 21 iss. 8, s. 4547–4555.
  12. Karolina Górnicka, Elizabeth M. Carnicom, Sylwia GOŁĄB, Marcin Łapiński, Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Weiwei Xie, Dariusz Kaczorowski, Robert J. Cava, Tomasz Klimczuk,$CeIr{3}$: superconductivity in a phase based on tetragonally close packed clusters , Superconductor Science and Technology ; ISSN 0953-2048. — 2019 vol. 32 iss. 2 art. no. 025008, s. 1–13.
  13. Sylwia GOŁĄB, Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA,Electron-phonon superconductivity in $CaBi_{2}$ and role of spin-orbit interaction , Physical Review. B ; ISSN 2469-9950. — Tytuł poprz.: Physical Review B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics ; ISSN: 1098-0121. — 2019 vol. 99 iss. 10 art. no. 104520, s. 104520-1–104520-11.
  14. Karolina Górnicka, Debarchan Das, Sylwia GUTOWSKA, Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Michał J. Winiarski, Tomasz Klimczuk, Dariusz Kaczorowski, Iridium 5$d$-electron driven superconductivity in $ThIr_{3}$, Physical Review. B ; ISSN 2469-9950. — Tytuł poprz.: Physical Review B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics ; ISSN: 1098-0121. — 2019 vol. 100 iss. 21 art. no. 214514, s. 214514-1–214514-9.

  15. [2018]
  16. Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Jean-Baptiste Vaney, Christophe Candolfi, Anne Dauscher, Bertrand Lenoir, Janusz TOBOŁA, An Sn-induced resonant level in $beta-As_{2}Te_{3}$, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. — 2018 vol. 20 iss. 18, s. 12948–12957.
  17. K. JASIEWICZ, S. KAPRZYK, J. TOBOŁA, Interplay of crystal structure preference and magnetic ordering in high entropy $CrCoFeNiAl$ alloys, Acta Physica Polonica. A ; ISSN 0587-4246. — 2018 vol. 133 no. 3, s. 511–513.
  18. J. Cieślak, J. TOBOŁA, K. Berent, M. Marciszko, Phase composition of $Al_{x}FeNiCrCo$ high entropy alloys prepared by sintering and arc-melting methods, Journal of Alloys and Compounds ; ISSN 0925-8388. — 2018 vol. 740, s. 264–272.
  19. Tai Kong, Karolina Górnicka, Sylwia GOŁĄB, Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Tomasz Klimczuk, Robert J. Cava A family of Pb-based superconductors with variable cubic to hexagonal packing, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan ; ISSN 0031-9015. — 2018 vol. 87 iss. 7, s. 074711-1–074711-9.
  20. Shantanu Misra, Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Janusz TOBOŁA, Florian Fesquet, Anne Dauscher, Bertrand Lenoir, Christophe Candolfi, An Sn-induced resonant level in $beta-As_{2}Te_{3}$, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. — 2018 vol. 20 iss. 18, s. 12948–12957.
  21. Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Thermopower of thermoelectric materials with resonant levels: $PbTe:Tl$ versus $PbTe:Na$ and $Cu_{1-x}Ni_{x}$, Physical Review. B ; ISSN 2469-9950. — Tytuł poprz.: Physical Review B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics ; ISSN: 1098-0121. — 2018 vol. 97 iss. 20 art. no. 205203, s. 205203-1–205203-15.

  22. [2017]
  23. Janina Molenda, Anna Milewska, Wojciech Zając, Michał RYBSKI, Janusz TOBOŁA, Correlation between electronic structure, transport and electrochemical properties of a $LiNi_{1-y-z}Co_{y}Mn_{z}O_{2}$ cathode material, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. — 2017 vol. 19 iss. 37, s. 25697–25706.
  24. Jean-Baptiste Vaney, [et al.], Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Janusz TOBOŁA, [et al.] , Effect of isovalent substitution on the electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of the solid solution $\alpha-As_{2}Te_{3–x}Se_{x} (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.5)$, Inorganic Chemistry ; ISSN 0020-1669. — 2017 vol. 56 iss. 4, s. 2248–2257.
  25. J. TOBOŁA, B. WIENDLOCHA, J. Molenda, M. RYBSKI, S. KAPRZYK , [et al.] , Electronic structure calculations in materials converting energy, Biuletyn Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Wodoru i Ogniw Paliwowych = Bulletin of the Polish Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association ; ISSN 1896-7205. — 2017 no. 11, s. 11.
  26. Anna Milewska, Wojciech Zając, Konrad Świerczek, Janusz TOBOŁA, Janina Molenda , S. KAPRZYK , [et al.] , High-voltage $Na_{0.67}Ni_{0.33}Mn_{0.67-y}Ti_yO_{2-\delta}$ (0 $≤$ y $≤$ 0.33) cathodes for Na-ion batteries, Biuletyn Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Wodoru i Ogniw Paliwowych = Bulletin of the Polish Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association ; ISSN 1896-7205. — 2017 no. 11, s. P-36.
  27. M. RYBSKI, S. KAPRZYK, J. MOLENDA, J. TOBOŁA , Influence of vacancy defects and alloying on electronic properties of $Li_xCo_{1-y-z}Ni_yMn_zO_2$ from band structure calculations, Biuletyn Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Wodoru i Ogniw Paliwowych = Bulletin of the Polish Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association ; ISSN 1896-7205. — 2017 no. 11, s. P-58.
  28. M. Calvo-Dahlborg, J. Cornide, J. TOBOŁA, D. Nguyen-Manh, J.S. Wróbel, J. Juraszek, S. Jouen, U. Dahlborg , Interplay of electronic, structural and magnetic properties as the driving feature of high-entropy CoCrFeNiPd alloys, Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics ; ISSN 0022-3727. — 2017 vol. 50 no. 18 art. no. 185002, s. [1], 1–12.
  29. J. Cieślak, J. TOBOŁA, M. Reissner, D. Nguyen-Manh, J.S. Wróbel, J. Juraszek, S. Jouen, U. Dahlborg , Magnetic properties of sigma-phase ${FeCrX (X=Co, Ni)}$ alloys: experimental and theoretical study, Acta Materialia ; ISSN 1359-6454. — Tytuł poprz.: Acta Metallurgica et Materialia. — 2017 vol. 123, s. 35–43.
  30. Anna Milewksa, Wojciech Zając, Janusz TOBOŁA, Janina Molenda, Structural, electrical and electrochemical properties of the $LiNi_{0.9−y}Co_yMn_{0.1}O_2$ cathodes for Li-ion batteries – electronic structure studies, Biuletyn Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Wodoru i Ogniw Paliwowych = Bulletin of the Polish Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association ; ISSN 1896-7205. — 2017 no. 11, s. P-35.
  31. Jean-Baptiste Vaney, [et al.], Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Janusz TOBOŁA, [et al.], Janina Molenda, Effect of isovalent substitution on the electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of the solid solution $\alpha-As_{2}Te_{3–x}Se_{x} (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.5)$, Inorganic Chemistry ; ISSN 0020-1669. — 2017 vol. 56 iss. 4, s. 2248–2257.
  32. Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, SunPhil Kim, Yeseul Lee, Bin He, Gloria Lehr, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Donald T. Morelli, Joseph P. Heremans, $Eu^{2+}–Eu^{3+}$ valence transition in double, Eu-, and Na–doped PbSe from transport, magnetic, and electronic structure studies, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ; ISSN 1463-9076. — 2017 vol. 19 iss. 14, s. 9606–9616.
  33. Judyta Strychalska-Nowak, Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Katarzyna Hołowacz, Paula Reczek, Mateusz Podgórski, Michał J. Winiarski, Tomasz Klimczuk, Fermi-liquid behavior of binary intermetallic compounds $Y_{3}M$ (M = Co, Ni, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt) , Materials Research Express [Dokument elektroniczny]. - Czasopismo elektroniczne ; ISSN 2053-1591. — 2017 vol. 4 no. 6 art. no. 066501, s. 1–13.

  34. [2016]
  35. Bartłomiej Gędziorowski, Janusz TOBOŁA, Artur Braun, Janina Molenda, Impact of crystal structure singularity on transport and electrochemical properties of $Li_{x}(Li_{y}Fe_{z}V_{1-y-z})O_{2}$ – electrode material for lithium batteries, Functional Materials Letters ; ISSN 1793-6047. — 2016 vol. 9 no. 4, art. no. 1641006, s. 1641006-1–1641006-12.
  36. B. WIENDLOCHA, K. KUTORASIŃSKI, S. KAPRZYK, J. TOBOŁA, Recent progress in calculations of electronic and transport properties of disordered thermoelectric materialsScripta Materialia ; ISSN 1359-6462. — 2016 vol. 111, s. 33–38.
  37. J. Cieślak, J. TOBOŁA, S.M. Dubiel, Site occupancies in sigma-phase $Fe–Cr–X (X = Co, Ni)$ alloys: calculations versus experiment, Physica Status Solidi. Rapid Research Letters ; ISSN 1862-6254. — 2016 vol. 10 no. 5, s. 415–419.
  38. K. JASIEWICZ, B. WIENDLOCHA, P. Korbeń, S. KAPRZYK, J. TOBOŁA, Superconductivity of $Ta_{34}Nb_{33}Hf_{8}Zr_{14}Ti_{11}$ high entropy alloy from first principles calculations,, Computational Materials Science ; ISSN 0927-0256. — 2016 vol. 122, s. 229–239.
  39. Jean-Baptiste Vaney, [et al.], Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Janusz TOBOŁA, [et al.], Effect of isovalent substitution on the electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of the solid solution $\alpha-As_{2}Te_{3–x}Se_{x} (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.5)$, Inorganic Chemistry ; ISSN 0020-1669. — 2017 vol. 56 iss. 4, s. 2248–2257.
  40. Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, SunPhil Kim, Yeseul Lee, Bin He, Gloria Lehr, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Donald T. Morelli, Joseph P. Heremans, [et al.], $Eu^{2+}–Eu^{3+}$ valence transition in double, Eu-, and Na–doped PbSe from transport, magnetic, and electronic structure studies, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ; ISSN 1463-9076. — 2017 vol. 19 iss. 14, s. 9606–9616. — Bibliogr. s. 9615–9616.
  41. J. Strychalska, M. Roman, Z. Sobczak, B. WIENDLOCHA, M.J. Winiarski, F. Ronning, T. Klimczuk, Physical properties and electronic structure of $La_{3}Co$ and $La_{3}Ni$ intermetallic superconductors,Physica. C, Superconductivity and Its Applications; ISSN 0921-4534. — 2016 vol. 528, s. 73–83.
  42. B. WIENDLOCHA, R. Szczęśniak, A.P. Durajski, M. Muras, Pressure effects on the unconventional superconductivity of noncentrosymmetric ${LaNiC_{2}}$, Physical Review. B ; ISSN 2469-9950. — Tytuł poprz.: Physical Review B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics ; ISSN: 1098-0121. — 2016 vol. 94 iss. 13, s. 134517-1–134517-14.
  43. M.J. Winiarski, B. WIENDLOCHA, M. Sternik, P. Wiśniewski, J.R. O'Brien, D. Kaczorowski, T. Klimczuk, Rattling-enhanced superconductivity in $MV_{2}Al_{20} (M = Sc, Lu, Y)$ intermetallic cage compoundsPhysical Review. B ; ISSN 2469-9950. — Tytuł poprz.: Physical Review B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics ; ISSN: 1098-0121. — 2016 vol. 93 iss. 13, s. 134507-1–134507-18.
  44. Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, Resonant levels, vacancies, and doping in $Bi_{2}Te_{3}$, $Bi_{2}Te_{2}Se$, and $Bi_{2}Se_{3}$ tetradymites,Journal of Electronic Materials ; ISSN 0361-5235. — 2016 vol. 45 no. 7, s. 3515–3531.
  45. M.J. Winiarski, B. WIENDLOCHA, S. Gołąb, S.K. Kushwaha, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, J.D. Thompson, R.J. Cava, T. Klimczuk Superconductivity in $CaBi_{2}$Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ; ISSN 1463-9076. — 2016 vol. 18, s. 21737–21745.