
I'm interested in condensed matter physics. Most of the time I have been studying electronic structure, phonons and magnetic properties of materials, using DFT (Density Functional Theory), implemented in KKR-CPA, LAPW and pseudopotential methods. This includes:

  • Electronic structure of superconductors, semiconductors (especially thermoelectrics), magnetic materials
  • Dynamic properties and electron-phonon interaction in superconductors
  • Search for and study of resonance impurities in thermoelectrics
  • Transport properties of crystals (in particular of thermoelectrics)
  • Calculations of the magnetic entropy of magnetocaloric materials.
We conduct calculations on our own computing servers, purchased through NCN projects, and using the supercomputers of the PlGrid infrastructure and ACK Cyfronet AGH.

Research projects

My own projects (Primary Investigator):

  • NCN logo
    Project NCN Sonata-bis 7 ST In February 2018, the National Science Center (Poland) qualified for funding my 5-years research project entitled "The role of resonant states, spin-orbit coupling and disorder in superconductivity of selected materials". The project runs from April 2018 to March 2023. You can find more on this project here.
  • PhD grant funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) "Theoretical research on selected intermetallic systems in the aspect of the proximity of the superconducting and magnetic state" no N N202 1975 33 (2007-2009).

As a co-investigator:

  • NCN logo
    Project NCN Maestro" Study of resonant and conventional impurities effect on thermoelectric properties including relativistic effects", nr 2011/02/A/ST3/00124 (2012-2017)
  • Project funded by the USA Air Force Office of Scientific Research MURI FA9550-10-1-0533, "Cryogenic Peltier Cooling" (2010-2014) led by the Ohio State University (USA).
  • Project funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) "Ab initio calculations for functional materials, crystals, disordered systems, inter-surface and surface: electron, phonon, magnetic and thermoelectric properties", 44/N-COST/2007/0 (2007-2010), in collaboration with Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Science (Krakow).
  • Project funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) "Studies on the dynamics of electrons in complex intermetallic systems with a metal-semiconductor transition in the aspect of strong thermoelectric properties", N N202 2104 33 (2007-2009).
  • Project funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) "Searching for intermetallic systems with strong magnetocaloric properties" nr 1 P03 B 113 29. (2005-2007), in collaboration with Cracow University of Technology.
  • Project "Polonium" (Polish-French project, duration: January 2006 - December 2007, in cooperation with Laboratoire de Cristallographie CNRS Grenoble).
  • Project "ECONET" (international project, no 08 13 3 RA, duration: January 2004 - December 2005, in cooperation with Laboratoire de Cristallographie CNRS Grenoble).

Profiles in scientfic databases:

Web of Science profile


Scopus author profile

Google scholar profile

Shortened scientific CV::

Diplomas and scientific degrees

  • Master of Science in technical physics, 14.06.2004. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science. Master thesis title: Calculations of the electron-phonon properties of MgB$_2$ and MgCNi$_3$-type superconductors, thesis supervisor dr hab. Janusz Toboła. Diploma with honors.
  • Ph.D. in physics, 25.05.2009. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science. Ph. D. thesis title: Theoretical studies of the superconducting and magnetic properties of the selected intermetallic compounds, thesis supervisor dr hab. Janusz Toboła. Diploma with honors.
  • Habilitation in physics, 14.01.2019. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science. Habilitation title: Resonant impurities in the thermoelectric materials -- electronic structure and transport properties. Habilitation with honors.

Employment in scientific institutions

  • 10.2008 - 09.2010, assistant at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland
  • 10.2010 - 09.2019, assistant professor at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland
  • 03-08.2011, 07-08.2012, 03-08.2014, Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
  • 10.2019 - until now, university professor, at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland

List of papers

Book chapters:

  1. Hanna Świątek, Sylwia Gutowska, Michał J. Winiarski, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Tomasz Klimczuk, "Superconductivity in Ternary Mg4Pd7As6", Advanced Electronic Materials 11, 2400284 (2025)
  2. Sylwia Gutowska, Karolina Górnicka, Paweł Wójcik, Tomasz Klimczuk, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Anisotropic, multiband, and strong-coupling superconductivity of the Pb0.64Bi0.36 alloy", Phys. Rev. B 110, 214510 (2024) (Highlighted as Editors' Suggestion). Preprint:
  3. Ilayda Terzi, Kacper Pryga, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Petr Levinský, Soufiane El Oualid, Sylvie Migot, Jaafar Ghanbaja, Christine Gendarme, Thierry Schweitzer, Bernard Malaman, Gérard Le Caër, Bertrand Lenoir, Christophe Candolfi, "Influence of SnBi Antisite Defects on the Electronic Band Structure and Transport Properties of the Layered Chalcogenide Semiconductor SnBi2Te4" The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, 18976 (2024)
  4. Taras Parashchuk, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Oleksandr Cherniushok, Kacper Pryga, Kamil Ciesielski, Eric Toberer, Krzysztof T. Wojciechowski, "Multiple defect states engineering towards high thermoelectric performance in GeTe-based materials", Chemical Engineering Journal 499, 156250 (2024).
  5. Seokyeong Byeon, Kacper Pryga, Jin Hee Kim, Jong-Soo Rhyee, Kamila Komędera, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Hyungyu Jin, "Complex defect formation in Fe doped γ-CuI: Enhancement of thermoelectric properties via band engineering" Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1002, 175349 (2024).
  6. Shantanu Misra, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Soufiane El Oualid, Anne Dauscher, Bertrand Lenoir, Christophe Candolfi, "Unravelling the need for balancing band convergence and resonant level in Sn1−x−yInxMnyTe for high thermoelectric performance", Journal of Materials Chemistry A 12, 1166 (2024)
  7. Kinga Jasiewicz, Janusz Tobola, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Local distortions of the crystal structure and their influence on the electronic structure and superconductivity of the high-entropy alloy (TaNb)0.67(HfZrTi)0.33", Physical Review B 108, 224505 (2023). Prepront:
  8. Gabriel Kuderowicz, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Strong-coupling superconductivity of the Heusler-type compound ScAu2Al: Ab-initio studies", Physical Review B 108, 224501 (2023). Preprint:
  9. Sylwia Gutowska, Alicja Kawala, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Superconductivity near the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit in the high-entropy alloy superconductor (ScZrNb)1-x(RhPd)x with a CsCl-type lattice", Physical Review B 108, 064507 (2023). Preprint:
  10. Sylwia Gutowska, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Tomasz Klimczuk, Michał J. Winiarski, "Superconductivity in Bismuth Pyrochlore Lattice Compounds RbBi2 and CsBi2: The Role of Relativistic Effects", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127, 14402 (2023).
  11. Seokyeong Byeon, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Johannes de Boor, Kornelius Nielsch, Hyungyu Jin, "Effect of Mg deficiency on the thermoelectric properties of Mg2(Si,Sn) solid solutions", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 954, 170157 (2023).
  12. Shantanu Misra, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Janusz Tobola, Petr Levinský, Jiří Hejtmánek, Sylvie Migot, Jaafar Ghanbaja, Anne Dauscher, Bertrand Lenoir, and Christophe Candolfi, Influence of In-induced resonant level on the normal-state and superconducting properties of Sn1.03Te, Physical Review B 106, 075205 (2022).
  13. Gabriel Kuderowicz, Paweł Wójcik, and Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Pressure effects on the electronic structure, phonons, and superconductivity of noncentrosymmetric ThCoC2", Physical Review B 105, 214528 (2022). Preprint:
  14. Sylwia Gutowska and Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Electronic structure of CeIr3 superconductor: DMFT studies", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 547, 168917 (2022). Preprint:
  15. Gabriel Kuderowicz and Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "The effect of Ni doping on the electronic structure and superconductivity in the noncentrosymmetric ThCoC2", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 546, 168688 (2022). (open access).
  16. Adèle Léon, Shantanu Misra, Petr Levinský, Jiří Hejtmánek, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Bertrand Lenoir, Christophe Candolfi, "High temperature thermoelectric properties of the tetradymite Bi2−xPbxTe2Se (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.03)", Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 232103 (2021)
  17. Taras Parashchuk, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Oleksandr Cherniushok, Rafal Knura, and Krzysztof T. Wojciechowski, High Thermoelectric Performance of p-Type PbTe Enabled by the Synergy of Resonance Scattering and Lattice Softening, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 49027 (2021)
  18. Gabriel Kuderowicz, Paweł Wójcik, and Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Electronic structure, electron-phonon coupling, and superconductivity in noncentrosymmetric ThCoC2 from ab initio calculations", Physical Review B 104, 094502 (2021). preprint:
  19. Karolina Górnicka, Gabriel Kuderowicz, Michał J. Winiarski, Bartłomiej Wiendlocha, Tomasz Klimczuk, "Superconductivity in LiGa2Ir Heusler type compound with VEC = 16", Scientific Reports 11, 16517 (2021) (open access)
  20. Sylwia Gutowska, Karolina Górnicka, Paweł Wójcik, Tomasz Klimczuk, and Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Strong-coupling superconductivity of SrIr2 and SrRh2: Phonon engineering of metallic Ir and Rh" Physical Review B 104, 054505 (2021).preprint:
  21. M. J. Winiarski, G. Kuderowicz, K. Górnicka, L. S. Litzbarski, K. Stolecka, B. Wiendlocha, R. J. Cava, and T. Klimczuk, "MgPd2Sb: A Mg-based Heusler-type superconductor", Physical Review B 103, 214501 (2021).
  22. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Shantanu Misra, Anne Dauscher, Bertrand Lenoir and Christophe Candolfi, "Residual resistivity as an independent indicator of resonant levels in semiconductors", Materials Horizons 8, 1735 (2021)
  23. Karolina Górnicka, Xin Gui, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Loi T. Nguyen, Weiwei Xie, Robert J. Cava, Tomasz Klimczuk, "NbIr2B2 and TaIr2B2 - New Low Symmetry Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling" Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2007960 (2021)
  24. Krzysztof T. Wojciechowski, Taras Parashchuk, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Oleksandr Cherniushok and Zinovi Dashevsky,"Highly efficient n-type PbTe developed by advanced electronic structure engineering", J. Mater. Chem. C 8, 13270 (2020)
  25. Karolina Górnicka, Gabriel Kuderowicz, Elizabeth M. Carnicom, Kamil Kutorasiński, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Robert J. Cava, and Tomasz Klimczuk, "Soft-mode enhanced type-I superconductivity in LiPd2Ge", Physical Review B 102, 024507, 2020 (highlighted as Editors' suggestion).
  26. Karolina Górnicka, Sylwia Gutowska, Michał J. Winiarski, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Weiwei Xie, R. J. Cava, Tomasz Klimczuk, "Superconductivity on a Bi Square Net in LiBi", Chemistry of Materials 32, 3150 (2020)
  27. Shantanu Misra, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Janusz Tobola, Florian Fesquet, Anne Dauscher, Bertrand Lenoir and Christophe Candolfi, "Band structure engineering in Sn1.03Te through an In-induced resonant level" Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8, 977 (2020).
  28. Karolina Górnicka, Debarchan Das, Sylwia Gutowska, Bartłomiej Wiendlocha, Michał J. Winiarski, Tomasz Klimczuk, and Dariusz Kaczorowski, "Iridium 5d-electron driven superconductivity in ThIr3", Phys. Rev. B 100, 214514 (2019). preprint:
  29. K. Jasiewicz, B. Wiendlocha, K. Górnicka, K. Gofryk, M. Gazda, T. Klimczuk, and J. Tobola, "Pressure effects on the electronic structure and superconductivity of (TaNb)0.67(HfZrTi)0.33 high entropy alloy", Phys. Rev. B 100, 184503 (2019)preprint:
  30. Sylwia Gołąb and Bartłomiej Wiendlocha, "Electron-phonon superconductivity in CaBi2 and the role of spin-orbit interaction", Phys. Rev. B 99, 104520 (2019) preprint:
  31. Karolina Górnicka, Elizabeth M Carnicom, Sylwia Gołąb, Marcin Łapiński, Bartłomiej Wiendlocha, Weiwei Xie, Dariusz Kaczorowski, Robert J Cava and Tomasz Klimczuk, "CeIr3: superconductivity in a phase based on tetragonally close packed clusters", Superconductor Science and Technology 32,025008 (2019).
  32. Tai Kong, Karolina Górnicka, Sylwia Gołąb, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Tomasz Klimczuk, and Robert J. Cava, "A Family of Pb-based Superconductors with Variable Cubic to Hexagonal Packing", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87, 074711 (2018) preprint:
  33. B. Wiendlocha, "Thermopower of thermoelectric materials with resonant levels: PbTe:Tl versus PbTe:Na and Cu1-xNix", Physical Review B 97, 205203 (2018).
  34. B. Wiendlocha, J-B. Vaney, C. Candolfi, A. Dauscher, B. Lenoir, and J. Tobola, "An Sn-induced resonant level in beta-As2Te3", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 12948 (2018).
  35. Judyta Strychalska-Nowak, Bartłomiej Wiendlocha, Katarzyna Hołowacz, Paula Reczek, Mateusz Podgórski, Michał J Winiarski and Tomasz Klimczuk, "Fermi-liquid behavior of binary intermetallic compounds Y3M (M = Co, Ni, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt)",Mater. Res. Express 4 066501 (2017)
  36. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, SunPhil Kim, Yeseul Lee, Bin He, Gloria Lehr, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Donald T. Morelli and Joseph P. Heremans, "Eu2+ – Eu3+ valence transition in double, Eu-, and Na-doped PbSe from transport, magnetic, and electronic structure studies", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 9606 (2017). (Open Access) download pdf
  37. Jean-Baptiste Vaney, Gaelle Delaizir, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Janusz Tobola, Eric Alleno, Andrea Piarristeguy, Antonio Pereira Gonçalves, Christine Gendarme, Bernard Malaman, Anne Dauscher, Christophe Candolfi, and Bertrand Lenoir,"Effect of Isovalent Substitution on the Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of the Solid Solution α-As2Te3–xSex (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.5)", Inorganic Chemistry 56, 2248 (2017)
  38. B. Wiendlocha, R. Szczęśniak, A. P. Durajski, M. Muras, "Pressure effects on the unconventional superconductivity of noncentrosymmetric LaNiC2", Physycial Review B 94, 134517 (2016). Preprint:
  39. J. Strychalska, M. Roman, Z. Sobczak, B. Wiendlocha, M.J. Winiarski, F. Ronning, T. Klimczuk,"Physical properties and electronic structure of La3Co and La3Ni intermetallic superconductors", Physica C 528,73 (2016).
  40. M. J. Winiarski, B. Wiendlocha, S. Gołąb, S. K. Kushwaha, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, J. D. Thompson, R. J. Cava and T. Klimczuk, "Superconductivity in CaBi2", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18,21737 (2016). Preprint:
  41. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Resonant Levels, Vacancies, and Doping in Bi2Te3, Bi2Te2Se, and Bi2Se3 Tetradymites", Journal of Electronic Materials 45, 3515 (2016). (Open Access)
  42. M. J. Winiarski, B. Wiendlocha, M. Sternik, P. Wiśniewski, J. R. O’Brien, D. Kaczorowski, and T. Klimczuk, "Rattling-enhanced superconductivity in MV2Al20(M=Sc,Lu,Y) intermetallic cage compounds", Phys. Rev. B 93, 134507 (2016) preprint:
  43. K. Jasiewicz, B. Wiendlocha, P. Korbeń, S. Kaprzyk and J. Tobola, "Superconductivity of Ta34Nb33Hf8Zr14Ti11 high entropy alloy from first principles calculations", Physica Status Solidi Rapid Research Letters 10, 415 (2016) Preprint
  44. B. Wiendlocha, K. Kutorasinski, S. Kaprzyk, J. Tobola, "Recent progress in calculations of electronic and transport properties of disordered thermoelectric materials", Scripta Materialia 111, 33 (2016).
  45. Hyungyu Jin, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha and Joseph P. Heremans "P-type doping of elemental bismuth with indium, gallium and tin: a novel doping mechanism in solids" Energy & Environmental Science 8, 2027 (2015). Electronic supplementary material Preprint:
  46. K. Kutorasinski, B. Wiendlocha, S. Kaprzyk, and J. Tobola, "Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of n- and p-type SnSe from first-principles calculations", Physical Review B 91, 205201 (2015). Preprint:
  47. B. Wiendlocha, M. J. Winiarski, M. Muras, C. Zvoriste-Walters, J.-C. Griveau, S. Heathman, M. Gazda, and T. Klimczuk, "Pressure effects on the superconductivity of the HfPd2Al Heusler compound: Experimental and theoretical study", Phys. Rev. B 91, 024509 (2015). Preprint:
  48. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Localization and magnetism of the resonant impurity states in Ti doped PbTe", Applied Physics Letters 105, 133901 (2014).. Preprint:
  49. S Kim, B Wiendlocha, H Jin, J Tobola, JP Heremans, "Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of p-type Ag-doped Mg2Sn and Mg2Sn1-xSix (x= 0.05, 0.1)", Journal of Applied Physics 116, 153706 (2014). . Erratum.
  50. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Malgorzata Sternik, "Effect of the tetragonal distortion on the electronic structure, phonons and superconductivity in the Mo3Sb7 superconductor" Intermetallics 53, 150 (2014). Preprint:
  51. K. Kutorasinski, B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, and S. Kaprzyk, "Importance of relativistic effects in electronic structure and thermopower calculations for Mg2Si, Mg2Ge, and Mg2Sn", Phys. Rev. B 89, 115205 (2014).
  52. J. Bourgeois, J. Tobola, B. Wiendlocha, L. Chaput, P. Zwolenski, D. Berthebaud, F. Gascoin, Q. Recour, H. Scherrer, "Study of electron, phonon and crystal stability versus thermoelectric properties in Mg2X(X = Si, Sn) compounds and their alloys", Functional Materials Letters, vol. 06, 1340005 (2013)
  53. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Fermi surface and electron dispersion of PbTe doped with resonant Tl impurity from KKR-CPA calculations", Physical Review B 88, 205205 (2013) . Preprint:
  54. CM Orovets, AM Chamoire, H Jin, B Wiendlocha, JP Heremans, "Lithium as an Interstitial Donor in Bismuth and Bismuth-Antimony Alloys", Journal of Electronic Materials, vol 41, 1648 (2012).
  55. Joseph P. Heremans, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha and Audrey M. Chamoire "Resonant levels in bulk thermoelectric semiconductors" Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, 5, 5510-5530, DOI: 10.1039/C1EE02612G. Author PDF copy
  56. Christopher M. Jaworski, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Vladimir Jovovic and Joseph P. Heremans, "Combining alloy scattering of phonons and resonant electronic levels to reach a high thermoelectric figure of merit in PbTeSe and PbTeS alloys" Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 4155-4162, DOI: 10.1039/C1EE01895G. Author PDF copy
  57. J. Łażewski, P. Piekarz, J. Toboła, B. Wiendlocha, P. T. Jochym, M. Sternik, and K. Parlinski, "Phonon Mechanism of the Magnetostructural Phase Transition in MnAs",Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 147205 (2010).
  58. B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk, and A. Kolodziejczyk, "Electronic structure, magnetism, and spin fluctuations in the superconducting weak ferromagnet Y4Co3", Phys. Rev. B 83, 094408 (2011).
  59. C. Candolfi, B. Lenoir, A. Dauscher, E. Guilmeau, J. Hejtmanek, J. Toboła, B. Wiendlocha, S. Kaprzyk Transport properties of the Mo3Sb7 compound , Physical Review B 79, 035114 (2009).
  60. B. Wiendlocha, J. Toboła, S. Kaprzyk, R. Zach, E. K. Hlil and D. Fruchart Magnetocaloric properties of Fe{2-x}TxP (T = Ru and Rh) from electronic structure calculations and magnetisation measurements , Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41, 205007 (2008).
  61. B. Wiendlocha, J. Toboła, M. Sternik, S. Kaprzyk, K. Parlinski and A. M. Oleś Superconductivity of Mo3Sb7 from first principles, Physical Review B, 78, 060507(R) (2008).
  62. A. Kołodziejczyk, B. Wiendlocha, R. Zalecki, J. Toboła and S. Kaprzyk Superconductivity, Weak Itinerant Ferromagnetism and Electronic Band Structure of Y9Co7, Acta Physica Polonica A, 111, 513 (2007).
  63. B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk, D. Fruchart, "Electronic structure, superconductivity and magnetism study of Cr3GaN and Cr3RhN" Journal of Alloys and Compounds 442, 289 (2007).
  64. B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk, "Search for Sc3XB perovskite superconductors and proximity of weak ferromagnetism"  Physical Review B 73, 134522 (2006) . Preprint: cond-mat/0507685.
  65. B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk, D. Fruchart, J. Marcus, "Competition of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in Sc3InB", Physica Status Solidi B, 243, 351 (2006). Preprint: cond-mat/0506793.

Conference presentations: (as the presenting author)

  1. I. Terzi, K. Pryga, P. Levinský, S. El Oualid, S. Migot, J. Ghanbaja, C. Gendarme, T. Schweitzer, B. Malaman, G. Le Caër, B. Lenoir, C. Candolfi, B. Wiendlocha, Influence of anisotropy and defects on the electronic structure and transport properties of SnBi2Te4, 40th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2024), 30.06-04.07.2024, Krakow, Poland
  2. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "In-gap states: mechanism of ZT improvement and their difference to resonant levels", 19th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, Prague, Czech Republic, 17-21.09.2023.
  3. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Shantanu Misra, Anne Dauscher, Bertrand Lenoir, Christophe Candolfi, "A new method for detecting resonant levels in thermoelectric semiconductors", 18th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, Barcelona, Spain, 14-16.09.2022.
  4. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Recent advances in understanding of resonant states in thermoelectric materials", CIMTEC 2022 - 9th Forum on New Materials, Perugia, Italy, 25-29.06.2022.
  5. Sylwia Gutowska, Karolina Górnicka, Paweł Wójcik, Tomasz Klimczuk, Bartłomiej Wiendlocha, "Strong-coupling superconductivity of SrIr2 and SrRh2: Phonon engineering of metallic Ir and Rh", XX National Conference on Superconductivity, Lublin, Poland, 22-26.05.2022.
  6. K. Jasiewicz, A. Kawala, S. Gutowska, J. Tobola, B. Wiendlocha, "Superconductivity in High Entropy Alloys from First Principle Calculations", 7th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism ICSM2021 22-28.10.2021 Bodrum, Turkey
  7. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Shantanu Misra, Anne Dauscher, Bertrand Lenoir, Christophe Candolfi, "A new method of detecting the resonant state of an impurity in a semiconductor thermoelectric material", 47th Congress of Polish Physicists, Bydgoszcz, September 19-23, 2021.
  8. G. Kuderowicz, P. Wójcik, and B. Wiendlocha, "Superconductivity in noncentrosymmetric ThCoC2 and the effect of Ni doping", The 16th European Conference Physics of Magnetism 2021 (PM'21) Poznan, June 28 - July 2, 2021 (online)
  9. Gabriel Kuderowicz, Paweł Wójcik, and Bartłomiej Wiendlocha, "Non-s-wave superconductivity in noncentrosymmetric ThCoC2: Ab initio calculations and Eliashberg formalism", The 22nd International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, Wroclaw, April 12-15 2021 (online)
  10. S. Gutowska, G. Kuderowicz, B. Wiendlocha, "Influence of the spin-orbit coupling on the electron-phonon interaction in superconductors" 5th workshop on ab initio phonon calculations, Krakow, December 3–6, 2019
  11. S. Gutowska, G. Kuderowicz, B. Wiendlocha, "Effect of the spin-orbit coupling on the electron-phonon interaction in superconductors: several case studies." XIX National Conference on Superconductivity , 6-11.10.2019, Bronisławów, Poland
  12. B. Wiendlocha, S. Misra, A. Dauscher, B. Lenoir, C. Candolfi, J. Tobola, "Effect of the resonant In dopant on the electronic structure, effective mass and lifetimes in SnTe studied using Bloch spectral functions" 17th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT 2019) , 23-25.09.2019, Limassol, Cyprus
  13. B. Wiendlocha, "Domieszki rezonansowe w materiałach termoelektrycznych - struktura elektronowa i własności transportowe", 45. Zjazd Fizyków Polskich , Kraków, 13-18 IX 2019
  14. B. Wiendlocha, S. Misra, A. Dauscher, B. Lenoir, C. Candolfi, J. Tobola "Electronic structure, lifetimes and carrier delocalization in SnTe doped with resonant In impurity studied using Bloch spectral functions", 38th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2019) 30.06-04.07.2019, Gyeongju, South Korea
  15. B. Wiendlocha, "Thermopower of thermoelectric materials with resonant levels from ab initio calculations", International Thermoelectric Workshop on New materials for direct conversion of heat into electricity 9-10.05.2019, Krakow, Poland.
  16. B. Wiendlocha, SunPhil Kim, Yeseul Lee, Bin He, G. Lehr, M.G. Kanatzidis, D.T. Morelli and J.P. Heremans "Eu2+ - Eu3+ valence transition in Eu- and Na-doped PbSe", Fundamental Aspects of Superconductivity. 3rd International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism in Selected Systems 16-21.09.2018, Zakopane, Poland.
  17. B. Wiendlocha, ”Thermopower of thermoelectric materials with resonant levels - beyond the constant scattering time approximation”, The 37th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2018), 1-5.07.2018, Caen, France.
  18. B. Wiendlocha, ”Transport properties and thermopower of materials with resonant levels - PbTe:Tl versus PbTe:Na and Cu-Ni”, II Sympozjum obliczeniowych metod ab initio, Kraków, 12-13.03.2018.
  19. 3. B. Wiendlocha, „Strategies of ab initio computations for superconductors”, XVIII National Conference on Superconductivity Krynica Morska, Poland, 8-13.10.2017
  20. B. Wiendlocha, „New and old tetradymites: evolution of the electronic structure and search for resonant levels” ECT 2017: 15th European Conference on Thermoelectrics Padua, Italy, 25–27 September 2017
  21. B. Wiendlocha, SunPhil Kim, Yeseul Lee, Bin He, G. Lehr, M.G. Kanatzidis, D.T. Morelli and J.P. Heremans "Mixed Eu2+ - Eu3+ valence state in Eu- and Na-doped PbSe", The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2017 (PM'17) 26-30.06.2017, Poznań, Poland.
  22. B. Wiendlocha, R. Szczęśniak, A. P. Durajski, M. Muras "Unconventional superconductivity of the noncentrosymmetric LaNiC2 and the effect of presure" From Spins to Cooper Pairs and Back 2nd International Conference on Magnetism and Superconductivity in Selected Systems (StoCP-2016) 25-30.09.2016, Zakopane, Poland.
  23. B. Wiendlocha, J. Toboła, S. Kaprzyk, C. Candolfi, J.-B. Vaney, B.Lenoir "Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of As2Te3 studied from first principles" 14th European Conference On Thermoelectrics (ECT 2016) 20-23.09.2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
  24. Bartłomiej Wiendlocha, Kamil Kutorasiński, Stanisław Kaprzyk, Janusz Toboła "Teoretyczne badania struktury elektronowej i własności transportowych materiałów termoelektrycznych" Sympozjum obliczeniowych metod ab initio 29.02.2016, IFJ PAN, Kraków, Poland.
  25. Bartłomiej Wiendlocha "Superconductivity and resonant levels in doped semiconductors" XVII National Conference on Superconductivity 25-30.10.2015, Karpacz, Poland.
  26. Bartłomiej Wiendlocha "Theoretical studies on resonant levels in thermoelectric materials" 5th Polish Forum "Smart Energy Conversion and Storage" 22-25.09.2015, Białka Tatrzańska, Poland.
  27. Bartłomiej Wiendlocha "Resonant levels in thermoelectric materials: extensive theoretical studies" The 34rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2015) 28.06-02.07.2015, Dresden, Germany.
  28. B. Wiendlocha, M. J. Winiarski, M. Muras, C. Zvoriste, J.-C. Griveau, S. Heathman, M. Gazda, T. Klimczuk, "Pressure effects on the superconductivity of HfPd2Al Heusler compound - experimental and theoretical study" 4th Workshop on ab initio phonon calculations Krakow, 03-06.12.2014
  29. Bartłomiej Wiendlocha "Bloch spectral functions in Tl:PbTe - a new interpretation of the positive role of resonant level in improving TE efficiency." The 12th European Conference on Thermoelectricity (ECT2014) September 24-26, 2014, Madrid, Spain.
  30. Bartłomiej Wiendlocha "Application of Bloch Spectral Functions for studying resonant impurities in thermoelectric materials." The 33rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2014) July 6-10, 2014, Nashville, TN USA.
  31. Bartłomiej Wiendlocha, Małgorzata Sternik "Effect of tetragonal distortion on the electronic structure, phonons and superconductivity in Mo3Sb7" XVI Krajowa Konferencja Nadprzewodnictwa 07-12.10.2013, Zakopane, Polska
  32. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Spectral functions and resonant impurities – why Tl:PbTe is a good thermoelectric and Ti:PbTe is not." TEP-CH 2013: Synthesis and Function of Thermoelectric Materials 16-19.09.2013, Zurich, Switzerland
  33. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, "Fermi surface and thermopower of PbTe with resonant Tl impurity from KKR-CPA calculations and Kubo-Greenwood formalism" The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics 30.06-04.07.2013, Kobe, Japan
  34. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Hyungyu Jin, Janusz Tobola, Stanislaw Kaprzyk, Yibin Gao, Audrey Chamoire, Joseph P. Heremans "Resonant levels in thermoelectric materials – first principles study." The 31st International Conference on Thermoelectrics 9-12.07.2012, Aalborg, Denmark.
  35. B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk, and A. Kolodziejczyk, "Electronic structure, magnetism, and spin fluctuations in the superconducting weak ferromagnet Y4Co3" XV Krajowa Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Kazimierz Dolny, 9 - 13 października 2011 r.
  36. Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Hyungyu Jin, Janusz Tobola, Stanislaw Kaprzyk, Joseph P. Heremans, "Search for resonant impurities in bismuth and bismuth antimony alloys - first principles study", The 30th International Conference on Thermoelectrics July 17-21, 2011, Traverse City, Michigan, USA.
  37. B. Wiendlocha, J. Toboła, S. Kaprzyk, "Magnetism of the superconducting weak ferromagnet Y4Co3 form first principles", 17th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements , 5-10.09.2010 Annecy, Francja.
  38. B. Wiendlocha, J. Toboła, S. Kaprzyk, "First principles study of electronic structure and electron-phonon coupling in superconductors", Frontiers in modern physics and its applications, 27-28 Maj 2009, Kraków.
  39. B. Wiendlocha, A. Kołodziejczyk, R. Zalecki, J. Toboła, S. Kaprzyk "Electronic structure of the superconducting weak ferromagnet Y9Co7", 16th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements , 26-31 Lipiec 2008, Drezno
  40. B. Wiendlocha, J. Toboła, S. Kaprzyk, C. Candolfi, B. Lenoir, A. Dauscher, J. Hejtmanek "Electronic structure and transport properties of Mo3Sb{7-x}Tex", 6th European Conference on Thermoelectrics , 2-4 Lipiec, 2008, Paryż
  41. B. Wiendlocha, J. Toboła, S. Kaprzyk, M. Sternik, K. Parliński, A. M. Oleś, C. Candolfi, B. Lenoir "Effect of doping on superconductivity in Mo3Sb7 from KKR-CPA study", European Conference Physics of Magnetism PM'08 , Poznań, czerwiec 2008r.
  42. B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk, E.K Hlil, D. Fruchart "Electronic structure and disordered local moments state of magnetocaloric materials Mn{1-x}TxAs and Fe{2-x}TxP", 2nd Workshop on ab initio phonon calculations, Kraków, 6-8 grudzień 2007.
  43. B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk, "Poszukiwania nadprzewodnictwa na podstawie obliczeń ab initio w układach Sc3XB (X=Tl, In, Ga, Al)", XII Krajowa Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa, Ustroń,  wrzesień 2006r.
  44. B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk, D. Fruchart, "Sc- and Cr-containing intermetallic perovskites – theoretical search for superconductivity", 15th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, Kraków, Poland July 2006r.
  45. B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk, D. Fruchart, J. Marcus, "Competition of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in Sc3InB", European Conference Physics of Magnetism PM'05 , Poznań, june 2005r.
  46. B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, "Calculations of the electron-phonon properties of MgCNi3-type superconductors", Workshop on ab initio phonon calculations Krakow, 2-4 December, 2004r.